Thursday, November 29, 2007

Bush urges Congress to approve war funding before Christmas

Thursday president bush called on congress to approve billions of dollars in additional funding for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan before lawmakers leave for their Christmas break. This article talks about how bush keeps asking for more money to use in Iraq and Afghanistan. This article also talks how bush doesn’t really have a plan for what he is planning to do after leading this country in war for so many years. I really like this article because it explains very well on what the president said about this war and how he would handle it but we are all seeing that the way he said he would handle it isn’t the way its being done right now. Also this article explains how other members in congress feel about this topic and the decision our president has in the past and the decision he is making right now.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


“His honest and un-biased opinions are refreshing especially after listening to all the crap that most of the media focuses on in today’s world" says Kristen. Very true and very powerful statement. I would 100% have to agree with you about how the media and all of us spend to much time caring about whether Britney Spears lost her case in court for her kids custody. But we don’t spend enough time getting to know about our troops in Iraq or the fact that we still don’t have government healthcare for every citizen in this country or about all the homeless and people in poverty. Even though some people think it’s a joke about him running for president. I say we let him run. Just because Colbert is a comedian doesn’t mean he can’t be interested and can’t run for president. He has succeed in opening most of the country’s eyes about serious issues like gay marriage, healthcare, abortion, the war and many more through comedy.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Hillary Clinton '08

Born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois, married to our 42 president, Hillary Clinton. Why should we vote for her? In my blog this time I will talk about why I will vote for her in the next election. First reason; she supports abortion. I also support abortion because I also believe that a women has the right to decide whether she wants to keep the baby or not but I also believe that it’s wrong when you keep getting it because you don’t practice safe sex. Second reason why I would vote for her is supports gay marriage and believes in equal for everyone. In the recent news democratic presidential hopefuls stressed their common ground with the gay and lesbian community in a televised forum, but one significant exception loomed--same-sex marriage. Thursday night's forum in Los Angeles was sponsored by the Humans Right Campaign Foundation. Broadcast on the gay-themed cable network Logo, making it the first-ever televised presidential forum on gay issues. Asked what was at the heart of her opposition to same-sex, Sen. Hillary Clinton said, "I prefer to think of it as being very positive about civil unions." She also added " It's a personal position, for me, we have made it very clear in our country that we believe in equality. How we get to full equality is the debate we're having." And the last reason why I will vote for her is because she at first voted for the use of military force in Iraq, but she not says she would have voted differently she says "if we knew then what we know now." I also believe that war isn’t the answer. And at first I think it was good that our troops were in Iraq but now I wonder why and what are we really there for?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ex-Kansas AG still anti-abortion leader

A dangerous ideologue abortion rights activists and Ex-Kansas anti-abortion leader, Phill Kline was called "the future of the anti-abortion movement" by GQ magazine. He was listed one of 15 Americans who are seen to be a major threat to abortion rights. Phill's credentials as a champion of anti- abortion movement still remains solid even after him losing bid to remain Kansas' attorney general last November. At the Kansas gathering he commented "The soil of Kansas is stained red, abortion is sin, and sin always begins with a lie." A hearing is scheduled on November 16 about Phill's latest challenge to him and his whole team came Wednesday when he charged a Planned Parenthood clinic in Overland Park with crimes including providing unlawful late-term abortion. Total of 107 counts, 23 of them were felonies. Peter Brownlie, president of Planned Parenthood called the charged "baseless" and an "outrageous attack." Brownlie also added on Thursday that "Phill Kline continues to further his political ambition of making abortion illegal by using unethical tactics in his role as district attorney."
Kline began his anti-abortion fame as a member of the Kansas House of Representatives and he also helped draft the state's late-term abortion in the late 1990's. This article talks a lot about Kline about how he started his anit-abortion. it also is outlined really good as well as it also talked about his recent charge on Planned Parenthood and when the court hearing will be. This was also a very interesting article because is talked about one of the many difficult issues this country has to face as well as gay marriage,war,healt insurance, etc.;_ylt=AhTFjq8fKWXothE1doks6WZvzwcF

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Iran releases U.S. peace activist

On Tuesday a judiciary spokesman said that Iran has released and Iranian-American peace activist name Ali Shakeri after he spend four long months in a Tehran prison. He was the fourth U.S citizen to be released by Iran since August. "He was released based on a 1 million rails (about $110,000) bail last night and a judge decided he can travel abroad," said spokesman for the judiciary, told The Associated Press. he and three other Iranian-Americans were charged with endangering national security. The charges against a businessman and member of a California-based democracy group, Shakeri have increased tensions between the United States and Iran. Iran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons and is fueling threats and violence in Iraq. But Iran has denied both claims. In a separate case, the Iranian government has also said this week it would allow the wife of missing American who once worked for the FBI to travel to Iran even though it has no information on/about his whereabouts. That was the summary of the article I choose to write about. The reason I choose this article is because I like the way it's outlined. It first talks about the recent Irainan-American who was relased, Shakeri to all the others Iran has set free in the past few months. Another thing I like about this article is it gives you a little background information about the activist they have released so you as the reader get a little bit of idea in what,where, and how the activist planned their ideas out as well as the article aslo gives you details about why and how they were caught and after how long they were jailed and then released. And at the end there are few sentences about how they are thinking of setting free the wife of the missing American.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jesse Jackson: Obama's " acting like he's white"

On Tuesday, September 18, 2007, the Rev. Jesse Jackson criticized Barack Obama, Democratic presidential candidate. “Acting like he’s white” quoted Jesse Jackson after Obama’s reaction of the six black juveniles in Jena, Louisiana. Jackson later said he did not recall him saying Obama is “acting like he’s white”. Jackson then added that Obama as well as other presidential candidates should bring more attention to this issue. This issue is worth reading because now that we are getting closer to elections people like Jesse Jackson who have been supporting African American for years have a lot to say about the presidential candidates. Especially at a time like this when a woman can possibly be our next president or a African American.