Thursday, October 4, 2007

Iran releases U.S. peace activist

On Tuesday a judiciary spokesman said that Iran has released and Iranian-American peace activist name Ali Shakeri after he spend four long months in a Tehran prison. He was the fourth U.S citizen to be released by Iran since August. "He was released based on a 1 million rails (about $110,000) bail last night and a judge decided he can travel abroad," said spokesman for the judiciary, told The Associated Press. he and three other Iranian-Americans were charged with endangering national security. The charges against a businessman and member of a California-based democracy group, Shakeri have increased tensions between the United States and Iran. Iran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons and is fueling threats and violence in Iraq. But Iran has denied both claims. In a separate case, the Iranian government has also said this week it would allow the wife of missing American who once worked for the FBI to travel to Iran even though it has no information on/about his whereabouts. That was the summary of the article I choose to write about. The reason I choose this article is because I like the way it's outlined. It first talks about the recent Irainan-American who was relased, Shakeri to all the others Iran has set free in the past few months. Another thing I like about this article is it gives you a little background information about the activist they have released so you as the reader get a little bit of idea in what,where, and how the activist planned their ideas out as well as the article aslo gives you details about why and how they were caught and after how long they were jailed and then released. And at the end there are few sentences about how they are thinking of setting free the wife of the missing American.

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