Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jesse Jackson: Obama's " acting like he's white"

On Tuesday, September 18, 2007, the Rev. Jesse Jackson criticized Barack Obama, Democratic presidential candidate. “Acting like he’s white” quoted Jesse Jackson after Obama’s reaction of the six black juveniles in Jena, Louisiana. Jackson later said he did not recall him saying Obama is “acting like he’s white”. Jackson then added that Obama as well as other presidential candidates should bring more attention to this issue. This issue is worth reading because now that we are getting closer to elections people like Jesse Jackson who have been supporting African American for years have a lot to say about the presidential candidates. Especially at a time like this when a woman can possibly be our next president or a African American.


Kris S. Seago said...

Good solid post. There is something odd going on with the template. On the two browswers I used to view your blog (Firefox and Safari) the text ran off the template on the right hand side of the post. Try copying and pasting the text again or into a new post.

U.S. Government Left or Right said...

I love it! mainly cause you are hot and all but I won't let that ! I think jesse jackson "acts like hes white"